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Model Photography
1. What is a TF Photoshoot?


I do a small number of free photoshoots for models who I think can add something extra to my portfolio, have a certain look that I want to work with, or I see potential to work regularly with. These are done on a Time For Image (TF) basis. Please do not be offended if I do not offer this service to you, as there are only a limited amount of slots available, but have a look through the paid services that I provide, as I believe these offer very good value for the experience that I bring to them. 


I have written this to clarify what each of us should expect from a photoshoot with me, as experience has shown that with newer models there can often be misunderstandings over the simplest of things, which can detract from the shoot. I want our shoot together to be great fun and produce wonderful pictures, and for us to understand each other and work together as a creative team. May I apologise to more experienced models who may find this elementary. 


2. Our First Shoot


For our first shoot together I would normally let the model choose the styles and location that suit them best, so that I can get a better idea of their strengths, rather than try to impose my own ideas. So have a think if you would like to shoot in my studio or on location, and I will leave the choice of clothes to you. Please let me know your ideas so that we can work together on this. 

All models need to be over 18 years old and I may ask for ID to confirm this. 


3. Date and Time 


We need to arrange a date and time for the shoot. I like to work from 10 to 4, and we will have breaks as appropriate with drinks and biscuits provided. I will also provide lunch, which is usually pasta Bolognese or jacket potato and baked beans. Let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.


I am happy to collect you from bus or train stations in Newton Abbot, Exeter or Plymouth. 


Shoots should be arranged when you are looking and feeling on top form, such as when you are full of energy, your hair is newly styled, your roots are not showing and it is not a bad time of the month. Planning ahead for these things can make all the difference. 


My mobile number is 07913 937531. Please let me know yours so that we can connect if there is any last minute problems. 


4. Shooting in My Studio 


My home and studio are at 43 Larkspur Drive, Newton Abbot, TQ12 1SD. There is parking in the drive. This is a new road and may not be on all sat navs and maps but is on Google Maps at .


Note that the access to the estate is now only from Ashburton Road, as the entrance to Larkspur Drive from Mile End Road has now been closed.


5. Shooting on Location 


I love working on location as it gives so many more opportunities than the studio to create unusual and unique images. However, it is much less predictable and can be spoiled by bad weather, poor light or the choice of a poor location. If you know of any good locations to shoot, then please let me know as I will really, really appreciate this. I have lived in Devon for some time but somehow don’t seem to know many good locations. This would be a big help to me. 


Indoor locations can also be wonderful, even odd ones. If we can shoot at your home, then this is a good possibility for a location. I am amazed at how photogenic the smallest and strangest place can be, especially when I bring in some lighting. If you have access to outbuildings or a garden, then this can also be used. Ruins and derelict places can be fabulous. If there is somewhere special that you can use through work or through friends, then please have a deep think about this. These places can be the absolute best. Let me know. 


It is always a good idea to have a Plan B for an indoor location on the chance that the planned location is unusable for any reason. 


6. Clothes 


For a studio shoot I suggest bringing several completely different outfits to give completely different looks. Remember that what you like wearing and what photographs well can be completely different. This will be the basis of the shoot. We can then play with any of my dressing up clothes and accessories that seem appropriate. Jeans and tee shirt, and a simple dress should also be brought. Simple items are fine and good but this is the time to bring out your wilder items of clothing right up to outright outrageous glamour and sassy. This is the time for quick changes and lots of different looks. Remember that we will not be shooting full length all the time and so extra variety toward the top of the body is much more useful, so accessories such as hats, gloves, jewellery, scarves, jackets, shirts, wraps etc. are much more useful than too many pairs of shoes.

I generally shoot all styles with a glamour edge. To enable this style bring nice lingerie in black, white, red and nude (flesh colour) in case they show through some outfits, so that we have the versatility to wear things over this. For example wearing dark underwear under a white blouse or dress looks bad. Similarly a pretty bra may be just what we need to show slightly under a jacket. 


For a location shoot the costumes should be appropriate for the location, but as wide a variety of costumes as can be easily carried are ideal. Think of mixing and matching items of clothing to produce different looks with the minimum number of items and changes.


Have a look at my Pinterest mood boards for ideas on themes and costumes, but please let me know if there are any particular themes and costume styles that you would like to dress for and shoot, so that I know beforehand. 


I have a wide range of costumes for you to use and am always looking for more. If you have any clothes or accessories that you no longer want please bring them along and pass them on to me for my collection. They will be greatly appreciated. 


7. Hair and Makeup 


Makeup is down to you as I do not have a makeup artist. Bring things along with you like different coloured lipsticks if this is going to be appropriate for the different looks. Come along with makeup already applied so that making up doesn’t cut into the shooting time too much.


Hair is so important to the final image. If your hair is coloured then this should ideally go back to the roots. Please let me know well before the shoot if your hair or hairstyle is different to what I might expect from your photos, or if there is a best time to shoot when your hair is freshly coloured, cut or styled. 


8. Levels 


I shoot all levels from fashion, portrait, glamour, lingerie and boudoir to BDSM, erotic, topless, nude, adult and fan site. Styles and levels should be agreed by both of us before a shoot, so that we both understand what levels we are shooting to and are both happy and comfortable with this. Many new models are shy about their first shoot with higher levels, but if you check out my references you will see that, in the model’s own words, I am a safe and relaxing photographer to try these things with, even if you then decide they are not for you. I will never ask you to pose in styles or levels that you feel uncomfortable with, because a models comfort and safety are my first priority. For examples of different levels and styles, and to get ideas for our photoshoot have a look at my Pinterest mood boards.

9. Confidence 


For new models nervousness is fine. That will very soon evaporate once we get into the shoot. It is up to both of us to work together to produce the best pictures that we can, both before, during and after the shoot. I have yet to work with any new model who does not go away with renewed energy, enthusiasm and confidence for shooting. 


Please read my references where you will find that models find me fun to work with and that I create a relaxing and safe environment. Feel free to contact any models who have worked with me before to check out their references.


10. Communication 


Communication, both before and after the shoot is vital to ensure success. Don't ever go quiet on me as this is always a really bad sign and slows everything down.

Before the shoot we will need to exchange messages to arrange final details. Please respond quickly to any messages I send. Some models seem to go very quiet once a date has been arranged, which is always worrying, and I will cancel a shoot if messages are not answered and arrangements not confirmed, as the last thing that I want is to find out on the day that someone is not going to turn up or there is a problem. 

After the shoot we need to communicate in order to ensure you get the right images in good time. I also need you to provide me with references (See Section 13) before I will release all the final images. I have found that this is the best reminder to see that this is done, and this is so important to me.

11. The Shoot 


I have a warm and friendly personality and I work hard to provided a fun and relaxed atmosphere so that we both enjoy the shoot. I like to get to know someone I am working with before shooting, as I try to photograph the real person and not just collect nice images. This can happen if I collect you while we chat in the car, or it can be over a tea or coffee in the studio before the shoot. 


A successful shoot is a special combination between the model and the photographer. I welcome and encourage your input and creativity and I aim to keep the shoot spontaneous and fun. I am not the sort of photographer who tries to organise things too tightly and I encourage fluid posing rather than 'model pose' poses. Expression is everything to me in a photograph and connection with the camera is what I look for rather than just a RBF (Resting Bitch Face) that many models seem to have.


Your choice of clothes and the effort that you put into this beforehand is the single most important thing that determines the success of the whole shoot. A really good location can add another dimension to the shoot as well and your input into finding a really good location is always welcome.


12. Photographs 


As this is a Time for Images (TF) shoot I will provide you with 10 edited photographs for a whole day shoot and 5 edited images for a half day shoot. All of the final edited photographs will be equally owned between the two of us, and we can each do what we want with them without permission of the other person. I will provide these within 10 days providing you have left me the references I require by then. (See Section 14). 

By law I automatically own the copyright of all photographs taken, and can do with them whatever I wish. This is an automatic right in law and does not need a modelling contract to establish. For a TF shoot I grant you publication rights to the edited photos that I supply you with, but not the rest of the images. It is up to both of us to be happy with the pictures we are taking at the time we create them and I do not look kindly on models who later ask for images not to be used, unless there is a very good reason, as we have both taken the time and energy to produce them. Naturally, if there are personal bits showing that are not meant to show, then I will edit these out or not use them. I will do this automatically as I see such things. I want us both to be absolutely delighted with the final images. 

13. Choosing the Photographs 


I will send you a small image of each photograph straight away via Dropbox, and message you with the link to download them from. These should be downloaded to your computer as I will delete them shortly after, as I need the space. These images will be unedited and for your own personal viewing and should not be published anywhere as they are not finished images. You can see from these where your posing is working and where it is not. This is a great way to learn. 


If you are able, you can choose the 10 images you like best, and I will edit these for you. This is actually a big help for me as I find it hard to choose the best images. If the choice is too overwhelming, then you can leave it to me to choose, and you will get my choice of 10 images, however, if you can make your choice then you will also get the edited images that I like as well, and end up with more than 10 images. I find that models tend to choose different images to me, as we are looking for different things.

Message me back with the actual file numbers of the images, e.g. F1A1496. Do not try to tell me which ones you like in any other way, as I will just ask for the numbers.

Always tell me in advance if there is anything in particular that you want me to note in editing, e.g. leave in a scar or edit it out. Telling me afterwards just created bad feelings all round. However, if you don't like the way I have edited something, then please let me know straight away, e.g. if I have made you look too slim. I use Photoshop to edit and manipulate images and do this to a high level.

I will start uploading imaged to another Dropbox file for edited images, which I will message you about when I start doing this. Images are edited to a 5x4 format, which is the one Instagram uses and is universal. 


14. References 


Providing references and promoting each other is part of the package for a shoot and is very important, and I would expect this to be done before I upload the last of your edited images.

Please add a reference and a star rating to my Google Business Page by clicking on this link. It will really help my business and is very much appreciated.


Also add a reference to my Facebook Business Reviews Page by clicking on this link, scrolling down the middle section to where it says Recommendations and reviews, and clicking on the Yes button. This means a lot to me. It is OK if this is the same review that you posted for me elsewhere. 

If we shoot again, then it is not possible to add another reference to my Facebook and Google Pages, as this can only be done once, but I would really appreciate you sending me a new reference for this shoot, so that I can post this on my website.


15. Using the Photographs

I will use these photos on my Instagram and Facebook pages, and on my Website, so let me know if you have pages that I can link to and credit you. Please just use the edited images in posts, but the unedited ones can be used in stories or 'back of camera' type shots.


It is good manners to credit me whenever you post one of these images on social media. Please use a text link for this and not just an image link. Please link to me on - 

Facebook as - as

Instagram as - as @colin_w_photography

16. Recommend Me

Is there someone you know who would like to have a photoshoot with me? Please recommend me to them. This can be someone who is good enough to add something extra to my portfolio with a TF shoot, or someone who would love to have one of my paid shoots. Have a look at my website which shows all the different types of shoots that I do, right from a Confidence Builder, Model Experience Day, Portrait shoot, Couples shoot right through to a Glamour & Boudoir shoot. Recommending me in this way would mean a lot to me.


17. Working Together in the Future


I am happy to work with models on a one-off basis but what I am really looking for are models who are on the same wavelength as me, who I can work with in the future for more planned, experimental and complex shoots, either of a TF or paid basis. I like to show my appreciation on further TF shoots by providing not only edited images but also a large framed print of your favourite photograph, as hardly anyone prints nowadays, and I create stunning prints of exhibition quality.


I am especially looking for models to shoot TF with me regularly over five shoots to create a wide variety of different images, and I will create a free luxury printed magazine of our best images for both of us. This will be a publication to treasure for ever, and not just a collection of images to flick through on social media.

I am now doing Group Photoshoots and Studio Days, and need models for this. These will be paid bookings, but I prefer to work with models who I know and have worked with before.

Please bear my studio in mind when you are shooting with other photographers, as you can hire my studio by the hour, and also hire my clothes collection.


18. Information I need from You 
  • Date of the shoot.

  • Location or studio shoot.

  • Start and finish times of shoot.

  • Your phone number.

  • If you need me to collect you. 

  • Food requirements and any special dietary needs. 

  • Ideas for styles and costumes. 

  • Levels that you are comfortable working with now and would like to try in the future.

  • Special locations you know or have access to.

  • Your Instagram and Facebook accounts to see photos of you and link the final photos to.

  • If you have any old clothes to add to my costume collection.

  • Is there anyone you can recommend to shoot with me?

I look forward to meeting and shooting with you and creating some lovely images. 



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Headshots, Portrait Photography, Studio Portraits, Social Media Photography, Couples Photography, Confidence Builder, Model Experience Day, Erotic Photography. Colin Winstanley Photography, 5 Rews Meadow, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3QJ

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